Why am I using Jersey fabric and not Lycra for my tudung? I got this type of questions a LOT. Hmm.. as I'd mention before, I'm very particular about the fabric for my tudung or scarf... Some asked isn't Jersey fabric cheap and hot? My question back for this type of question is, have you wore
MY tudungs? If not, then u should have tried first, then comments.

Some said Lycra is more expensive as compared to Jersey, this I'm not really sure, I had not seen an

expensive lycra before. Lycra fabric can easily be bought from big fabric store. The price is not expensive. Those tudungs sold at Pasar malam and the equivalent store are made of lycra. They are sold at $10 per piece, very cheap. Some are see through, some are thick, but does not feel soft. ARIANI are also using lycra, but the lycra used I think is a better quality lycra.

For Jersey fabric, there are so many types of Jersey fabrics available in the market. A cheap Jersey is sold at rm4/metre or some $10/metre. These types of Jersey can be bought at the NAGOYA. The rm4/metre fabric is normally used as a table cloth. Got some pasar malam sold tudungs made from this cheap Jersey fabric at rm10/tudung. The rm10/metre Jersey fabric is kind of glossy and thin fabric; it is made to tudungs and sold normally like at the shops in PKNS, and the price for 1 tudung ranging from rm30 to rm50++.

The Jersey fabric I used for
my tudungs are the more pricey fabric, sold only at few specialized store at Klang Valley. They are not available at Jakels or Nagoya or Gulatis or any other big fabric store. These store did tell me that they have the Jersey fabric, but when I felt the fabric with my hands, I can tell, its of a lower quality
Jersey fabric.
The specialized shops which sold the expensive
Jersey fabric called it as J1 and J2 Jersey, some labels it with its weight, 320gm or 380gm. These J1 and J2 are heavier, more soft, cool and it has a two-way stretch. well these are my personal views, from my limited knowledge..
What do you think?