Many were asking for Tudung kanak-kanak. Here I post some of children's tudungs. The models are my daughters. They happily offered themselves as the models, hehe. Childrens tudungs are nice with corduroy awning, with small flower prints. In fact, it can be made from any type of jersey, as they wish...
My daughters normally choose themselves which fabric or pattern they like for their tudungs. The elder like normal type of tudungs, (Tudung Husna) the younger one like the syria type of tudungs, Tudung Nazirah.
As for tudung in which awning is without interfacing/bakrum (syria type, here I called Tudung Nazirah), the awning is readily sewn to tudung body, not 2 parts like syria tudungs. It is easier to take care, just go inside washing machine, without worrying the awning will be broken. Also suitable for school's tudungs, easier to take care.
Printed corduroy awning and the black, Tudung Nazirah
Dote light jersey, Tudung Nazirah, awning is readily sewn to tudung body
Small flower printed corduroy tudung
Handsome Muaz want to menyelit gak.. hehe
My Muaz..
Happy shopping..
My daughters normally choose themselves which fabric or pattern they like for their tudungs. The elder like normal type of tudungs, (Tudung Husna) the younger one like the syria type of tudungs, Tudung Nazirah.
As for tudung in which awning is without interfacing/bakrum (syria type, here I called Tudung Nazirah), the awning is readily sewn to tudung body, not 2 parts like syria tudungs. It is easier to take care, just go inside washing machine, without worrying the awning will be broken. Also suitable for school's tudungs, easier to take care.
Printed corduroy awning and the black, Tudung Nazirah
Dote light jersey, Tudung Nazirah, awning is readily sewn to tudung body
Small flower printed corduroy tudung
Handsome Muaz want to menyelit gak.. hehe
My Muaz..
Happy shopping..