Here are some of the MTO, requested to be embellished with original Swarovski crystals. These are the only tudungs yg sempat di snap picturenya, the rest are already sent to the owners. The cystals were fix on the tudungs one by one, based on the designs. Just imagine one awning requires more than 170 crystals.. to put them one by one, and have to wait for the glue to melt is really a hardwork. Thats why the price is expensive.
Thus for those who asked for cheaper price than what I offer, I suggest u to go to Jalan Tar, buy the original swarovski, sold by pieces, which is not cheap and fix it on the tudungs on your own.. don't buy the finished designed yg berlambak tu, thats not swarovski, its korean stone. I don't like the korean stone ready made designed tu, the finished tudungs to me, looks Indon sikit, not exclusive.
Even though its tedious work, but I love doing it, seronok, tengok and buat benda2 cantik ni..
Butterfly design, really gorgeous in person, different sizes of stones with different colors.
Brocade awning with swarovski cystals.
Thus for those who asked for cheaper price than what I offer, I suggest u to go to Jalan Tar, buy the original swarovski, sold by pieces, which is not cheap and fix it on the tudungs on your own.. don't buy the finished designed yg berlambak tu, thats not swarovski, its korean stone. I don't like the korean stone ready made designed tu, the finished tudungs to me, looks Indon sikit, not exclusive.
Even though its tedious work, but I love doing it, seronok, tengok and buat benda2 cantik ni..
Butterfly design, really gorgeous in person, different sizes of stones with different colors.
Brocade awning with swarovski cystals.