I hope it's still not too late to wish everyone " Happy Teachers Day 2010" which falls on 16th May 2010.
Whether you are kindergarten's teachers, school teachers, tuition center's teachers or lecturers at the colleges and universities; you all deserve an appreciations and honors from all of us. There are a lot that has been done by teachers, teaching and inculcating good values on us, our children and to the whole society.
My children sibuk duk suruh I sew tudungs to be given to their class teachers.. So last night, manage to finish few tudungs, hope their teachers like it ya..
I know some teachers are not happy with the Education Ministry's "Gotong Royong Perdana" which has been held last Saturday in Schools. Me myself do not agree with the "Gotong Royong" thing.. Normally we appreciate someone by doing something for that person, not appreciating someone by asking them to do something for us.. Hope next year the education Ministry won't pass this type of circular again.. "Gotong Royong" is ok, but NOT on Teachers Day.
Well.. Happy Teachers Day and Thank You to all teachers and lecturers..
I hope it's still not too late to wish everyone " Happy Teachers Day 2010" which falls on 16th May 2010.
Whether you are kindergarten's teachers, school teachers, tuition center's teachers or lecturers at the colleges and universities; you all deserve an appreciations and honors from all of us. There are a lot that has been done by teachers, teaching and inculcating good values on us, our children and to the whole society.
My children sibuk duk suruh I sew tudungs to be given to their class teachers.. So last night, manage to finish few tudungs, hope their teachers like it ya..
I know some teachers are not happy with the Education Ministry's "Gotong Royong Perdana" which has been held last Saturday in Schools. Me myself do not agree with the "Gotong Royong" thing.. Normally we appreciate someone by doing something for that person, not appreciating someone by asking them to do something for us.. Hope next year the education Ministry won't pass this type of circular again.. "Gotong Royong" is ok, but NOT on Teachers Day.
Well.. Happy Teachers Day and Thank You to all teachers and lecturers..